Scoop Start Dog showing readers how to start a pooper scooper business.

How to Start a Pooper Scooper Business: Step by Step Guide

Welcome to Scoop Start™! If you’re ready to take the plunge into the dog waste removal business, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to get your pooper scooper business off the ground. From initial planning, to onboarding your first customer, Scoop Start™ has you covered.

About the Author

Hi, I’m William Milliken, President of Swoop Scoop®, a leading dog waste removal company located in the Pacific Northwest, serving over 2,000 recurring clients and generating millions in revenue annually. With years of experience in the industry, my goal is to help aspiring entrepreneurs successfully launch and grow their own pet waste removal businesses. Let’s dive into the essentials of starting your business!

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Industry
  2. Conducting Market Research
  3. Creating a Business Plan
  4. Legal Requirements and Licensing
  5. Securing Funding
  6. Choosing Your Equipment
  7. Branding Your Business
  8. Setting Your Prices
  9. Marketing Your Services
  10. Choosing a CRM
  11. Optimizing Your Routes
  12. Billing Customers
  13. Disposing of Dog Waste
  14. Final Thoughts

Understanding the Dog Waste Removal Industry

The dog waste removal industry is a growing segment within the larger pet services market, driven by increasing pet ownership and a greater focus on pet and environmental hygiene. Here are some key statistics and insights:

Market Size and Growth:

  • The pet waste removal industry is part of the U.S. pet services market, which is expected to reach $150.6 billion in 2024, up from $147 billion in 2023​ (Default)​​ (Mordor Intel™)​.
  • The industry has been growing steadily, with an annual growth rate of around 5-7%​ (Dogster)​.

Pet Ownership:

  • Approximately 67% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to about 90 million dogs in the U.S.​ (Default)​​ (Petpedia)​.
  • Millennials are the largest group of pet owners, followed closely by Baby Boomers and Gen Xers​ (Petpedia)​.

Environmental Impact:

  • Proper disposal of dog waste is essential for environmental health, as it can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that contaminate soil and water.
  • Dog waste removal services help mitigate these environmental issues by ensuring proper disposal methods are used.

Consumer Behavior:

  • Convenience and hygiene are the primary reasons pet owners use dog waste removal services.
  • Busy lifestyles and increased awareness of health risks associated with dog waste are driving more pet owners to outsource this task.​ (Dogster)​.

Competitive Landscape:

  • The industry is fragmented, with many small, local businesses dominating the market. However, there are also a few larger companies with broader geographic reach.
  • Differentiation in the market often comes from exceptional customer service, flexible scheduling, and additional services like yard deodorizing or dog walking​ (Dogster)​.

Technological Integration:

  • Many companies are integrating technology for scheduling, billing, and customer communication, enhancing convenience and service efficiency. My company Swoop Scoop® uses Sweep&Go as its preferred CRM to fulfill most technological functions. 
  • Online presence and digital marketing, including Meta ads, Google Ads and SEO, are increasingly important for attracting and retaining clients​ (Mordor Intel™)​.

Regulations and Compliance:

  • Businesses must comply with local regulations regarding waste disposal, which can include obtaining permits and adhering to specific disposal methods.
  • There is also a focus on eco-friendly practices, such as using biodegradable bags and eco-friendly disposal methods​ (Default)​

Earning Potential: 

  • Single owner operators that price their services correctly can earn over 100k/year in income. (Click here to see our post on earning potential)
  • Larger businesses with employees can earn millions of dollars in revenue each year with proper systems and training. 

As you can see the dog poop pick up industry has a ton of potential! At Swoop Scoop we were able to grow our company from 0 to over 2,000 recurring customers in around 3 years, generating millions of dollars in revenue. 

Last year our original dog waste removal location generated over $1.4 million in annual revenue! 

Conducting Market Research

Before diving into your pooper scooper business, it’s crucial to conduct thorough market research to understand your potential customer base and competitors. Start by analyzing the demographics of pet owners in your area, their income levels, and their willingness to pay for pet waste removal services. Additionally, examine the local competition to identify their strengths and weaknesses, pricing strategies, and service offerings. Keep in mind that every market is different; what works in Idaho might not work in Florida. By understanding these nuances, you can tailor your services to meet the specific needs and preferences of your target market, increasing your chances of success.

Tips on Researching Your Market

  • Identify Your Service Area: Focus on residential areas with a high concentration of dog owners, dog parks, and community areas. I like to be able to drive across our entire pooper scooper service area in 45 minutes or less. 
  • Analyze Competitors: Look at existing dog waste removal services in your area. Assess their pricing, services, and customer reviews to identify gaps in the market.
  • Understand Customer Needs: Conduct surveys or interviews with pet owners to understand their pain points and preferences.

The easiest way to see how competitive your area is, would be to “Google” pooper scooper services, dog waste removal services, or pet waste removal services within your city. 

Keep in mind, many dog owners don’t even know the pet waste removal industry exists still, so even if a market looks saturated, there is a huge portion of the population that could still be a good fit for your pooper scooper service. 

Creating a Pooper Scooper Business Plan

A solid business plan is the foundation of your new pooper scooper business. It outlines your goals, strategies, and financial projections. While it’s an important piece of the puzzle, you should not obsess over having the perfect business plan. It’s far better to spend extra time actually starting your business and working on revenue generating activities. 

 Include the following sections in your pooper scooper business plan: 

  • Executive Summary: A brief overview of your business concept.
  • Market Analysis: Insights from your market research.
  • Services Offered: Detailed descriptions of your services (e.g., weekly yard clean-ups, one-time clean-ups, commercial services).
  • Marketing Strategy: How you plan to attract and retain customers.
  • Financial Plan: Budget, funding needs, revenue projections, and break-even analysis.
  • Operations Plan: Day-to-day operations, including scheduling, waste disposal methods, and employee management.

If you join the Poop Scoop Millionaire™ community you will get access to download our business plan, financial projections spreadsheets, pricing matrix, and more! 

Here is a little sneak peek inside the community. If you visit the documents section in the classroom you can download business plans, financial projections, pricing formulas, job descriptions, and a ton of other resources! 

Pooper Scooper Business Legal Requirements and Licensing

Starting a pooper scooper business involves more than just a love for pets and a willingness to get your hands dirty. Navigating the legal landscape is a critical step to ensure your business operates smoothly and complies with all regulations. Understanding the legal requirements and obtaining the necessary licenses will not only protect your business from potential legal issues but also build trust with your clients. In this section, we’ll explore the essential legal considerations and licensing steps you need to take to get your pooper scooper business off the ground legally and professionally.

Business Structure and Registration

  • Choose a Business Structure: Decide whether to operate as a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation. An LLC is often preferred for small businesses due to its liability protection and tax flexibility.
  • Register Your Business: Register your business name with the appropriate state authorities. This might involve registering a “Doing Business As” (DBA) name if you’re not using your personal name.

Licenses and Permits

  • Business License: Obtain a general business license from your city or county.
  • Waste Management Permit: Some localities may require a specific permit for waste management or pet waste removal services.
  • Health Department Permit: Check with the local health department for any necessary permits related to waste disposal and environmental health.

Tax Requirements

  • Employer Identification Number (EIN): Apply for an EIN from the IRS if you have employees or if you operate as an LLC or corporation.
  • Sales Tax Permit: Depending on your location, you may need to collect sales tax on services. Check with your state’s tax authority.
  • File Taxes: Keep accurate records of income and expenses and file the appropriate state and federal tax returns. Consult a tax professional for guidance specific to your business structure.


  • General Liability Insurance: Protects against claims of property damage or bodily injury.
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Required if you have employees, to cover work-related injuries or illnesses.
  • Commercial Auto Insurance: Covers vehicles used for business purposes.

Environmental Regulations

  • Proper Disposal: Ensure that pet waste is disposed of in accordance with local regulations. This often means bagging and disposing of waste in designated facilities or trash bins.
  • Environmental Protection: Adhere to local ordinances aimed at protecting water sources and preventing pollution.

Employment Laws

  • Compliance with Labor Laws: Follow federal and state labor laws regarding wages, working hours, and conditions if you have employees.
  • Employee Contracts: Draft contracts for employees outlining job responsibilities, pay, and terms of employment.

Marketing Compliance

  • Truth in Advertising: Ensure that all marketing materials comply with truth-in-advertising laws, which prohibit false or misleading claims.

Data Protection

  • Privacy Policy: If you collect personal information from clients, have a privacy policy in place to protect their data.
  • Data Security: Implement measures to secure client data and comply with any applicable data protection regulations.

Local Ordinances

  • Check Local Regulations: Some cities or homeowners’ associations may have specific rules about pet waste removal services, so it’s essential to check local ordinances and regulations.

Steps to Get Started:

  1. Research: Investigate local requirements and regulations in your specific area.
  2. Consult Professionals: Seek advice from legal and tax professionals to ensure full compliance.
  3. Set Up Proper Systems: Establish record-keeping, client management, and financial systems to maintain compliance and efficiency.

Funding Your Dog Poop Removal Business 

Starting a business involves initial costs, from purchasing equipment to marketing. While you can get by with just a rake and a bucket, if you want to maximize your chances of success you should consider investing more into your business.

We started Swoop Scoop with less then $1,500 and made around $280k our first full year in business. You don’t have to spend a ton to get started! 

Some options to funding your dog poop pick up business: 

  1. Small Business Loans: Apply for loans through banks or online lenders.
  2. Personal Savings: Use your savings to fund initial expenses.
  3. Investors: Seek investment from friends, family, or business investors.
  4. Grants: Look for small business grants from government or private organizations.

Starting a dog waste removal business involves several initial expenses. Here’s a breakdown of the basic costs you can expect:

Note: These prices are subject to change and my not be 100% accurate at the time of starting your pooper scooper business.

1 Gallon Pump Sprayer$15.99
Trash Bags$25.99
Metal Spring Clamp (2x)$12.99
Corona GT Rake$36.99
14 in Jumbo Debris Dustpan$35.00
Car Magnets (2x)$50.00
Website Domain and Hosting (1 month)$10.00
Business Insurance (1 month)$37.50
Local Advertising Budget$300.00
Sweep&Go App Subscription (1 month with discount)$34.50
QuickBooks Online Subscription (1 month)$25.00
Poop Scoop Millionaire (PSM) Membership (1 month)$69.00
LLC Registration$150.00
Virkon Disinfectant$77.95
Basic Equipment Estimated Costs

Total Estimated Cost Range:

Choosing Your Pooper Scooper Equipment

Choosing the right pooper scooper equipment is crucial for the efficiency and success of your pet waste removal business. Quality tools not only ensure that you can perform the job quickly and effectively, but they also enhance your professionalism and reliability in the eyes of your clients.

Durable and ergonomic equipment reduces the physical strain on your body, allowing you to work more comfortably and avoid injuries over time. Moreover, investing in high-quality, specialized tools like heavy-duty pooper scoopers, sturdy trash bags, and effective disinfectants ensures thorough cleaning and sanitation, which is essential for maintaining a high standard of service.

It is very common for new scoopers to injure their wrists from cleaning all day. If you have an ergonomic setup you can help prevent these injuries. If you purchase the Quickie Debris Dustpan in the links below, make sure to flip the handle around. This will prevent damage to your wrist from daily use. 

Pooper Scooper Equipment

You can buy most of the required items here: Amazon Cart: 

Recommended Pooper Scooper Equipment:

Aside from the actual scooping equipment, you will need to purchase a kennel grade disinfectant powder to clean all your pooper scooper equipment in between clients. This will reduce the chances of spreading common dog diseases such as Parvo, which can be fatal to your clients dogs.

Branding Your Business

Branding your pooper scooper business is essential for standing out in a competitive market and establishing a strong, recognizable identity. A well-crafted brand not only conveys professionalism and reliability but also builds trust with potential clients. Effective branding encompasses your business name, logo, website, marketing materials, and even the tone of your communications. By creating a cohesive and appealing brand, you can attract and retain customers more easily, differentiate yourself from competitors, and foster loyalty. Consistent branding helps convey your business values and quality of service, making it easier for clients to remember and recommend your services. Investing in your brand is investing in the long-term success and growth of your pooper scooper business.

Williams Pooper Scooper Branding Tips:

  • Business Name: Choose a catchy, memorable name that reflects your services and location.
  • Logo and Branding: Design a professional logo and consistent branding materials. If you have the budget I highly recommend hiring a professional designer to make your logo, fonts, color schemes, and other marketing materials. 
  • Website: Build a user-friendly website showcasing your service, service area, and an online quote tool. I typically recommend using WordPress to build your website as it has the most integrations, and allows you to take advantage of the Sweep&Go client onboarding tool. (Clients will be able to completely sign up for services on your website without talking to anyone!) 
  • Vehicle Wrap or Magnets: If you have the budget I would highly recommend getting a full truck or car wrap. It will make you look more professional, make it easier to charge higher prices, and will help your other advertising work better. 

Pricing your Pooper Scooper Services. 

Pricing your pooper scooper service is one of the most important business decisions you can make. Price to high and you won’t get any business, price to low and you won’t be able to hire employees, advertise, or make improvements to your business. 

  • Analyze Competitors: Look at what competitors are charging.
  • Calculate Costs: Factor in all costs, including labor, equipment, and marketing.
  • Set Pricing Tiers: Offer different packages (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, one-time clean-ups) to cater to various customer needs.
  • Price for Growth: Ensure your prices are high enough to cover expenses and allow for business growth. It’s better to start higher and offer discounts than to start too low and struggle to raise prices later.

How much should you charge for pooper scooper services?

At Swoop Scoop our average client pays us around $95/month in our smaller markets, and $110/month in larger markets on average for residential pooper scooper services. We base on price on the number of dogs, zip code, service frequency, and length of time from the last cleaning.

Sample Pricing Chart for Pooper Scooper Services

Service Frequency1 Dog2 Dogs3 Dogs4 Dogs
2x Weekly$39.60/week$48.60/week$57.60/week$66.60/week

Initial Cleanup Pricing

The first cleanup you do for clients is typically going to take longer then you regular service cleanups. For this reason it’s common for pooper scooper business owners to charge an “initial cleanup fee”. This fee is normally charged as a flat rate, or by the time pricing method.

If you want to see exactly how much we charge our residential customers, or want to see how to price out commercial pooper scooper services you can download those resources in the Poop Scoop Millionaire™ community. 

Marketing Your Dog Waste Removal Business 

Marketing your pooper scooper business is one of the most important activities you can do. Without customers you’re not in business, simple as that.

Low Cost Marketing Tactics: 

  • Posting in Buy/Sell/Trade Facebook groups to let people know about your pooper scooper business.
  • Offering services to people you know in exchange for a Google review. Let them know they can sign up for services at the regular price after their free trial (2-3 weeks) DONT put any pressure on people to sign up after the trial, and many of them will! (It also doesn’t hurt to get some extra practice & online reviews) 
  • Check out our guide on how to get your first 10 pooper scooper customers here.

The Best Marketing Channels for Pooper Scoopers:

Click Here for our 2024 Pooper Scooper Marketing Guide

1.) Facebook/Meta Ads – Effective for targeting local dog owners and visually displaying the benefits of hiring a pooper scooper service. 

2.) Google Ads & SEO – Best for capturing high intent searches such as “pooper scooper near me” and generating phone calls or website traffic. 

3.) Truck Wraps – Acts as rolling billboards and are one of the best branding activities you can partake in. Also helps your other advertising work better by providing FB creatives and gives people a reason to Google your service. 

At Swoop Scoop we have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars testing out various advertising methods. These are the results from the beginning of 2023 at our primary location. As you can see we were able to generate close to 500 new customers a month for our business during these months!

If you want step by step guides on how we generated over 10,000 leads for Swoop Scoop using Facebook ads in just three years, or how we rank #1 For almost every keyword in our market on Google you need to check out the Poop Scoop Millionaire™ community. 

There are step by step courses on Google ads, Facebook Ads, SEO, Branding and much more within the community!

Choosing a CRM

Choosing the Right CRM For your Pooper Scooper business guide.

Choosing the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a crucial decision for your pooper scooper business. A good CRM will help you manage customer interactions, streamline operations, and enhance customer satisfaction. With the right tool, you can efficiently track leads, optimize routes, manage billing, and maintain detailed customer records.

Top CRM Features to Look For

Customer Management

Effective customer management is the backbone of a successful pooper scooper business. By using a CRM system with robust customer management features, you can efficiently store and organize all customer information in one place. This includes contact details, service history, preferences, and special requests. Having this information readily accessible allows you to provide personalized and timely services, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, a good customer management system enables you to track interactions and follow up with customers, ensuring no detail is overlooked. This level of organization not only improves operational efficiency but also helps build strong, lasting relationships with your information, including contact details, service history, and preferences.

Client Onboarding

A seamless onboarding experience sets the tone for your professional relationship and ensures that clients feel valued and understood from the start. Clear communication during this phase is essential; provide clients with detailed explanations of your services, pricing, and policies. Additionally, addressing any questions or concerns promptly helps build trust and confidence. Effective client onboarding not only enhances customer satisfaction but also lays the foundation for long-term loyalty and repeat business. Having a CRM that integrates client onboarding with your website is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a CRM.

Billing & Invoicing

Efficient billing and invoicing are essential components of managing your pooper scooper business. A reliable CRM system can automate these processes, saving you time and reducing the likelihood of errors. With automated billing, you can generate invoices quickly and accurately, ensuring that clients receive clear and professional statements. The system can also track payments, send reminders for overdue accounts, and even process online payments, making it convenient for both you and your customers. By streamlining billing and invoicing, you can maintain a steady cash flow, minimize administrative burdens, and focus more on delivering excellent service. Clear and efficient financial transactions not only improve operational efficiency but also enhance customer satisfaction and trust.

Route Optimization

Route optimization is a crucial feature for a pooper scooper business, directly impacting efficiency and profitability. By utilizing a CRM system with route optimization capabilities, you can plan the most efficient paths for your service technicians, minimizing travel time and fuel costs. The system considers factors such as traffic conditions, distance, and service locations to create optimal routes. This not only ensures that more clients can be serviced in less time but also reduces wear and tear on your vehicles. Additionally, route optimization can improve punctuality, leading to higher customer satisfaction. By maximizing productivity and operational efficiency, route optimization helps your business save time and money, allowing you to focus on providing excellent service to your clients.

Field Tech Mobile Access

Field tech mobile app access is an invaluable feature for pooper scooper businesses, enabling technicians to stay connected and efficient while on the go. With a mobile app linked to your CRM system, technicians can access real-time schedules, customer information, and service updates directly from their smartphones or tablets. This ensures they have all the necessary details at their fingertips, reducing the need for back-and-forth communication with the office.

Reporting & Analytics

Reporting and analytics are vital components for managing and growing your pooper scooper business. A robust CRM system with comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities allows you to track key performance indicators and gain valuable insights into your operations. You can monitor metrics such as yards cleaned per hour, average monthly ticket, customer lifetime value, churn rate and more!

Customer Portal

A customer portal is an essential feature for a pooper scooper business, providing clients with convenient and easy access to manage their services. Through a secure online portal, customers can schedule appointments, view their service history, and make payments at their convenience. This self-service capability not only enhances the customer experience by offering flexibility and transparency but also reduces the administrative burden on your staff.

Integration Capabilities

Integration capabilities are a critical aspect of a CRM system for your pooper scooper business, ensuring seamless connectivity with other essential tools and software. A CRM with robust integration capabilities allows you to link it with accounting software, email marketing platforms, GPS tracking systems, and other applications you use daily.

Popular Pet Waste Removal CRM Choices

When choosing a CRM for your pet waste removal business, several popular options offer features tailored to your needs. Here are a few widely used choices:

Sweep&Go is currently the only industry specific CRM for pooper scoopers. This means all the features are specifically built for dog waste removal professionals. This is my CRM of choice, as we were able to start with them and scale all the way to multiple locations and millions in revenue.

Based on my experience S&G has the best client onboarding tools, reporting & analytics, as well as routing capabilities.

Jobber is a comprehensive CRM solution designed for service-based businesses. It offers features like scheduling, invoicing, client management, and route optimization, making it a popular choice for managing pet waste removal services.

Yardbook is a popular CRM choice for pet waste removal businesses, particularly known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set tailored to service-based businesses.

Optimizing Your Routing

Optimizing routing is a crucial aspect of running a successful pet waste removal business. Efficient route planning ensures that your service technicians can cover more clients in less time, reducing fuel costs and vehicle wear and tear. By utilizing a CRM system with route optimization capabilities, you can automatically generate the most efficient paths based on real-time traffic data, client locations, and service schedules. This not only minimizes travel time but also enhances punctuality and reliability, leading to higher customer satisfaction. Additionally, optimized routing allows you to respond quickly to last-minute service requests and emergencies, further improving your service quality. Ultimately, effective route optimization boosts productivity, reduces operational costs, and enables you to provide exceptional service to your clients.

All three of the CRMs listed above offer optimized routing. The image displayed here is from the Sweep&Go master map view.

Billing Customers

Effective billing practices are crucial for maintaining cash flow for your pooper scooper business. While there are several methods to billing your customers, we prefer to pre-bill all our customers on the 1st for the entire month of service.

Just like optimized routing, most CRMs should have automated billing built into their systems.

Disposing of Dog Waste

Proper disposal of dog waste is a key responsibility for any pet waste removal business, ensuring environmental safety and compliance with local regulations. There are two primary methods for disposing of collected dog waste: the dumpster method and the customer trash can method.

Dumpster Method

The dumpster method involves collecting dog waste and disposing of it in designated dumpsters. This method is particularly useful for businesses that handle large volumes of waste or operate in areas where customers prefer not to use their personal trash cans. To implement this method, you’ll need to arrange for a commercial dumpster service that can regularly collect and properly dispose of the waste. It’s important to ensure the dumpster is kept clean and secure to avoid any health hazards or unpleasant odors. This method offers the advantage of centralized waste disposal, making it easier to manage and more efficient for high-density service areas.

Customer Trash Can Method

Alternatively, the customer trash can method involves disposing of dog waste in the client’s personal trash receptacles. This method is convenient and often preferred by clients, as it integrates seamlessly with their regular waste disposal routines. When using this method, it’s crucial to properly bag and seal the waste to prevent odors and contamination. It’s also important to communicate clearly with clients about the process and any specific guidelines they should follow, such as ensuring their trash cans are accessible on service days. This method is typically more cost-effective and can be easier to manage for businesses that service residential areas with lower waste volumes.

Choosing the Right Method

Choosing the right disposal method depends on several factors, including the volume of waste you handle, your service area’s regulations, and client preferences. The method you choose will also determine what type of vehicles you should utilize for your business. If you take the waste, you will most likely want to purchase trucks, vs fuel efficient cars if you use your customers trash can.

Final Thoughts

Starting and running a successful pooper scooper business requires careful planning, diligent execution, and a keen understanding of your market. From conducting thorough market research to choosing the right CRM system and optimizing your routes, every detail plays a crucial role in your business’s success. Proper disposal methods and maintaining high standards of service are equally important in building a trustworthy and professional reputation.

As you embark on this entrepreneurial journey, remember that continuous learning and adaptation are key to staying ahead in the industry. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your established business, having the right resources and support can make all the difference.

Join The Poop Scoop Millionaire Community

For those serious about taking their pooper scooper business to the next level, consider joining Poop Scoop Millionaire Skool (PSM). PSM offers a wealth of resources, expert training, and a supportive community to help you achieve your business goals. With active forums, live trainings, comprehensive courses, and direct access to industry experts, PSM is your ultimate pooper scooper resource.

Visit Poop Scoop Millionaire to learn more and sign up today.