How to Price Commercial Pooper Scooper Jobs

Pricing commercial pooper scooper services requires a different approach than pricing residential services. Whether you’re installing and maintaining pet waste stations or cleaning common areas, understanding the nuances of commercial pricing will help you create accurate quotes and maximize profitability. Here’s a detailed guide on how to price commercial pooper scooper jobs effectively.

Pricing Station Installations and Maintenance

Flat Rate Per Station For station installations and maintenance, we charge a flat rate per station and gradually reduce the cost as the quantity increases. This incentivizes bulk purchases and long-term maintenance contracts.

Installation Pricing Example

  • Installation Time: Approximately 45 minutes per station
  • Desired Hourly Rate: $125/hour
  • Installation Cost Calculation: $125 x 0.75 (hours) = $93.75 per station

By charging a competitive installation rate, you can attract more clients while breaking even on the installation. The real profit comes from the maintenance contracts.

Maintenance Pricing Factors

  • Geographical Location: Consider travel time and accessibility.
  • Bag Provision: Determine whether you provide the bags or if the client does.
  • Bag Type and Cost: Different bags have varying costs.
  • Ease of Access: Assess how easily you can access the stations.
  • Number of Stations: More stations on a single property can reduce per-station maintenance time.

Maintenance Pricing Example

  • Standard Rate: $17.95 per station
  • Volume Discounts: Offer discounts for properties with a large number of stations.

Additional Services

  • Standalone Trashcans: Offer to maintain standalone trashcans at the same rate as pet waste stations to increase revenue.

Pricing Common Area Cleaning

Square Footage Pricing For common area cleaning, basing your price on the square footage (sqft) of the area that needs cleaning is an efficient way to generate accurate quotes.

Cleaning Rate Calculation

  • Average Cleaning Rate: One experienced pooper scooper can clean approximately one acre (43,560 sqft) per hour.
  • Desired Hourly Rate: $125/hour

Example Calculation

  • Area to Clean: 0.75 acres
  • Weekly Rate: $125/hour x 0.75 = $93.75 per week
  • Monthly Rate: $93.75/week x 4.33 (average weeks per month) = $406.25 per month

Discounts for Dog Waste Stations

  • Without Stations: Charge the full rate.
  • With Stations: Offer a discount, as the presence of stations typically reduces the amount of waste in common areas.

Using a Commercial Pricing Calculator

At Swoop Scoop, we use a Google Sheets commercial pricing calculator that automatically applies our hourly rate to the square footage of the area that needs cleaning. This tool simplifies the quoting process and ensures consistency.

Presenting Quotes to Clients

Multiple Pricing Options Always provide several pricing options to avoid forcing the client into a simple yes/no decision. This allows them to choose the best option based on their needs and budget.

Example Options Based on $406.25 Monthly Rate

  • Weekly Service: $406.25
  • Bi-Weekly Service: $406.25 x 0.75 = $304.68
  • Monthly Service: $304.68 x 0.75 = $228.51

If the client has dog waste stations or is considering installing them, offer discounts on all service frequencies.

Benefits of Offering Multiple Options

Providing multiple pricing options:

  • Increases Conversion Rates: Clients are more likely to choose one of the options rather than declining all.
  • Builds Trust: Demonstrates flexibility and a willingness to meet the client’s specific needs.
  • Enhances Value Perception: Clients feel they are getting a customized solution.


Pricing commercial pooper scooper jobs requires careful consideration of several factors, from the cost of station installations to the area that needs cleaning. By using a systematic approach, such as square footage pricing and offering multiple service options, you can create accurate and appealing quotes for your clients. For a detailed commercial pricing calculator and more resources, join the Poop Scoop Millionaire (PSM) community and download our comprehensive tools to enhance your business operations.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to price your commercial pooper scooper services effectively, ensuring both profitability and customer satisfaction.