Dog waste removal franchise or start your own pooper scooper business from scratch?

Buy a Dog Waste Removal Franchise vs Start from Scratch?

Starting a dog waste removal business can be a lucrative and fulfilling venture. However, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether to buy into an established pooper scooper franchise or start your own business from scratch. Both options have their unique advantages and challenges. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision.

Buying a Pet Waste Removal Franchise

Franchise Pros:

  • Brand Recognition: Franchises come with a built-in reputation and customer base, which can save you a significant amount of time and effort in marketing and brand-building. NOTE: Not all franchises have strong brand recognition, so be careful and do your research before buying.
  • Proven Business Model: Franchises offer a tested and refined business model, reducing the guesswork involved in running a successful business.
  • Support and Training: Most franchises provide training and support, ensuring you’re never alone in your business journey.
  • Marketing Assistance: Franchises often have national or regional marketing campaigns that you benefit from, along with professional marketing materials and strategies.
  • Easier Financing: Lenders are often more willing to finance a franchise due to the lower risk associated with established brands.

Franchise Cons:

  • Initial Investment: Franchise fees and ongoing royalties can be expensive. You’ll need to weigh these costs against the benefits of an established system.
  • Less Flexibility: As a franchisee, you must adhere to the franchisor’s guidelines and standards, limiting your ability to innovate or make changes.
  • Royalties: A significant portion of your gross revenue is typically paid to the franchise in perpetuity regardless if you make profit or not.
  • Other Fees: Most franchise charge other fees such as an advertising fee which goes to promote the franchise brand nationally and may not directly benefit your local market.
  • Simple Industry: Learning how to start a pooper scooper business is fairly straightforward and probably doesn’t warrant spending tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn.
  • Outdated Systems: Many franchisors put all their attention into selling more franchise locations rather then improving systems, processes, and marketing strategies, which can leave you paying large fees for outdated information.
  • Reputation Risk: If the franchisor does something that damages the reputation of the brand you buy into, it could have a substantial impact on your local business, and there is not much you can do about it.
  • Less Options When Selling: If you ever want to sell your business it limits your buyer pool if you have a franchise. Larger independent companies cannot purchase and rebrand your business, or takeover your client list in most cases.
  • Operational Dependency: Franchisees rely on the franchisor for key aspects of the business, such as supply chain management, marketing strategies, and operational support. Any shortcomings or changes in the franchisor’s policies can directly affect the franchisee’s business.
  • Non-Compete Clauses: Many franchise agreements have non-compete clauses that prevent franchisees from starting or owning similar businesses during and after the term of the franchise agreement
  • Territorial Restrictions: Franchise agreements often include territorial restrictions, limiting where franchisees can operate and expand their business.
  • Complex Contracts: Franchise agreements are often lengthy and complex, requiring thorough understanding and legal review to avoid potential pitfalls.
  • Limited Term: Franchise agreements are typically for a fixed term, after which the agreement may need to be renewed. Renewal terms and conditions may not always be favorable.
  • Valuation Issues: Determining the value of a franchise can be challenging, as it involves not only the business’s performance but also its contractual obligations and potential future royalties.

Starting a Pooper Scooper Business From Scratch

Startup Pros:

  • Full Control: When you start your own business, you have complete control over every aspect, from branding to operations to marketing.
  • Lower Initial Costs: Without franchise fees, your initial investment can be significantly lower. This allows you to allocate funds more freely across various areas of your business.
  • Innovation Freedom: You can implement new ideas and strategies without needing approval from a franchisor, giving you the flexibility to adapt quickly to market changes.
  • Building Your Own Brand: The satisfaction of creating and growing your own brand can be immensely rewarding and fulfilling.
  • Simple Industry: You can learn most industry best practices for free, or for very little money.
  • Accessible Tech: CRMs such as Sweep&Go can provide most of the operational support you need to be successful with your pooper scooper business.

Startup Cons:

  • Greater Risk: Starting from scratch involves more risk as you develop your business model, brand, and customer base without the backing of an established system.
  • Steeper Learning Curve: Without the training and support that franchises offer, you’ll need to navigate the learning curve on your own, which can be time-consuming and challenging.
  • Marketing Efforts: You’ll need to invest heavily in marketing to build brand awareness and attract customers, which can be both time-consuming and costly.
  • Financing Challenges: Securing financing can be more difficult without an established brand or proven business model to back you up.

Example of an Independent Business:

Comparative Analysis

FactorFranchiseStarting From Scratch
Brand RecognitionHigh, established brandLow, need to build from scratch
Business ModelProven and testedNeed to develop and refine
Support and TrainingComprehensive training and ongoing supportMust self-teach or find external resources
Initial InvestmentHigher due to franchise feesPotentially lower, depending on setup costs
FlexibilityLimited by franchisor’s guidelinesFull control and flexibility
Profit SharingOngoing royalties and feesNo royalties, keep all profits
MarketingFranchisor’s marketing supportMust develop own marketing strategies
RiskLower risk due to established modelHigher risk with a new, untested model
Franchise vs Start up Chart


Deciding between buying a dog waste removal franchise and starting your own business from scratch depends on your personal preferences, financial situation, and risk tolerance. A franchise offers a structured, supportive environment with less risk but at a higher initial cost and reduced flexibility. Starting from scratch provides complete control and potentially lower startup costs, but comes with greater risk and the need for substantial effort in building your brand and business model.

Evaluate your goals, resources, and comfort level with risk to determine which path is the best fit for you. Both routes can lead to a successful and rewarding business in the growing pet waste removal industry.

If you are looking for a less expensive way to learn the dog waste removal industry check out the Poop Scoop Millionaire community™. Here you will find content on operational best practices, step by step marketing guides, access to coaches, and discounts on popular software & tools such as Sweep&Go, NiceJob, and Wysiwash.

Additional Resources

Would you like to know more about specific franchises or get tips on creating a solid business plan? Let us know in the comments below!