How much should I spend to acquire a new pooper scooper customer.

How Much to Spend on Advertising to Acquire a New Pooper Scooper Customer

Acquiring new customers is essential for the growth of any business, including a pooper scooper service. However, determining how much to spend on advertising to attract these new customers can be challenging. In this article, we will explore various factors that influence your advertising budget, how to calculate your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), and strategies to optimize your advertising spend for maximum returns.

Understanding Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is the total cost associated with acquiring a new customer, including all marketing and sales expenses. To calculate CAC, use the following formula:

CAC Formula

For example, if you spend $10,000 on advertising in a month and acquire 100 new customers, your CAC would be $100.

Factors Influencing Advertising Spend

Several factors can influence how much you should spend on advertising to acquire a new pooper scooper customer:

1. Lifetime Value (LTV) of a Customer

The Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer is the total revenue you can expect from a customer over the duration of their relationship with your business. To calculate LTV, use the formula:

For instance, if your average monthly revenue per customer is $95 and the average customer lifespan is 20 months, your LTV would be:

LTV = 95 x 20 = $1,900

2. Profit Margins

Your profit margins will dictate how much you can afford to spend on acquiring new customers while maintaining profitability. If your profit margins are high, you can afford to spend more on customer acquisition.

3. Market Competition

The level of competition in your market will impact your advertising costs. In highly competitive markets, advertising costs tend to be higher due to increased bidding on ad platforms.

4. Advertising Channels

Different advertising channels have varying costs and effectiveness. Common channels for pooper scooper businesses include:

  • Google Ads: Effective for targeting local customers searching for your services.
  • Facebook Ads: Great for targeting specific demographics and interests.
  • Local SEO: Optimizing your website for local search results can drive organic traffic without direct advertising costs.

5. Advertising Goals

Your advertising goals, such as brand awareness, lead generation, or direct sales, will also influence your budget. Each goal requires different strategies and investment levels.

Setting Your Advertising Budget

To set your advertising budget, consider the following steps:

1. Determine Your Target CAC

Based on your LTV and profit margins, determine a target CAC that allows you to remain profitable. A common rule of thumb is to aim for a CAC less then your profit margins. For example, if your LTV is $1,900, and your profit margins are 30% your target CAC should be:

Example: .03 x $1,900 = $570

Based on this, you know for every customer you onboard they are worth about $570 of profit, so you will want to make sure your you are spending less then that to acquire new customers, otherwise you will end up loosing money.

2. Allocate Your Budget Across Channels

Distribute your advertising budget across different channels based on their effectiveness and cost. For example, you might allocate:

  • 50% to Google Ads
  • 30% to Facebook Ads
  • 20% to local SEO and other organic strategies

3. Monitor and Adjust

Regularly monitor your CAC and the performance of your advertising campaigns. Use analytics tools to track metrics such as cost per click (CPC), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS). Adjust your budget and strategies based on the data to optimize your advertising spend.

Optimizing Your Advertising Spend

To get the most out of your advertising budget, consider the following tips:

1. Target the Right Audience

Ensure your ads are targeting the right audience by using precise targeting options available on ad platforms. Focus on demographics, interests, and behaviors that align with your ideal customer profile.

2. Use Compelling Ad Creative

Create engaging and compelling ad creative that captures attention and drives action. Use high-quality images, videos, and persuasive copy to highlight the benefits of your service.

3. Test and Iterate

Continuously test different ad variations, targeting options, and channels to identify what works best. Use A/B testing to compare different elements of your campaigns and iterate based on performance data.

4. Leverage Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Positive reviews and testimonials can enhance the credibility of your ads and increase conversion rates. Highlight your best reviews in your ad copy and creative.

5. Utilize Retargeting

Retargeting allows you to reach potential customers who have interacted with your business but have not yet converted. This strategy can help you stay top-of-mind and encourage conversions.


Determining how much to spend on advertising to acquire a new pooper scooper customer involves understanding your CAC, LTV, and profit margins. By setting a target CAC, allocating your budget across effective channels, and continuously optimizing your campaigns, you can maximize your advertising spend and drive growth for your business.

At Swoop Scoop, we have successfully navigated these challenges to build a thriving business with a loyal customer base. By following these guidelines, you can do the same and ensure your advertising dollars are well spent.

For more tips and strategies on growing your pooper scooper business, join our Poop Scoop Millionaire (PSM) community and gain access to exclusive resources and discounts on tools like Sweep&Go and NiceJob. Happy scooping!