Running your pooper scooper business in the winter.

Operating Your Dog Waste Removal Business in Winter

Running a dog waste removal business comes with unique challenges, especially when the cold winter months roll in. However, with the right strategies, you can ensure your business thrives year-round, even when the snow starts to fall. Here are some essential tips for keeping your pooper scooper business on track during the winter season.

1. Operate Year-Round

One of the biggest misconceptions is that dog waste removal businesses should shut down during winter. On the contrary, continuing operations throughout the year provides consistent service for your clients and maintains a steady income for your business. When you operate year-round, your clients can avoid large spring cleanups and associated premium fees.

At Swoop Scoop, we actually get busier in the winter then the summer. The worse the weather gets, the less likely dog owners are to go outside and pick up the waste. It’s the perfect opportunity for pooper scooper companies to grow their businesses.

2. Snow and Waste Management

Snow can complicate waste removal, but it’s not an impossible problem. Often, dog waste will stay near the top layer of snow, making it relatively easy to scoop. Equip your team with the right tools to handle these conditions.

While we do our best to remove as much dog poop as possible, we don’t waste time trying to dig the waste out of ice.

3. Stay on Top of the Route

When the snow melts, dog waste that has accumulated will become visible again. By staying on top of your route and maintaining regular visits, you can prevent a backlog of waste. This approach ensures that when the snow thaws, your clients’ yards are clean, and there’s no need for a massive spring cleanup.

4. Communicate with Clients

Keep open lines of communication with your clients. Inform them of your winter operations and the benefits of regular waste removal even in the colder months. Assure them that consistent service prevents unpleasant surprises when the snow melts and highlights the cost savings from avoiding spring cleanup fees.

If you live in an area with snow it’s also important to let your clients know they won’t be put on a waiting list after all the snow melts as they are already on the schedule.

5. Equip Your Team for Cold Weather

Ensure your team is prepared for the winter conditions. Provide them with appropriate winter gear, such as insulated gloves, boots, and thermal clothing. Consider offering additional training on how to safely navigate icy or snowy yards to avoid any potential injuries.

The most important thing is to make sure everyone stays safe. Not only should you ensure your team has the proper equipment, and clothing, you also need to make sure the vehicles you provide are up to the task of winter driving.

6. Adapt Your Marketing

Winter is an excellent time to market the benefits of your year-round service. Emphasize the convenience and cost-effectiveness of regular waste removal, even during the winter. Highlight how your service helps maintain a clean and safe yard for pets and family members alike.

7. Monitor Weather Conditions

Stay informed about the weather forecast. This allows you to plan your routes effectively and ensures your team is prepared for any severe weather conditions. Flexibility and adaptability are key to maintaining reliable service during unpredictable winter weather.

Our team cleans almost everyday during the winter with the exception of major holidays, or if there is a significant snowfall the same day/or the night before making it impossible to clean any waste.


Operating your dog waste removal business in the winter presents its own set of challenges, but with the right approach, you can turn these challenges into opportunities. By continuing to provide consistent, year-round service, you keep your clients satisfied and avoid the chaos of spring cleanups. Equip your team, communicate with your clients, and stay flexible to ensure your business thrives through the winter months.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll keep your dog waste removal business running smoothly all year round, ensuring satisfied clients and steady growth, even when the temperatures drop.

Check out the full guide on how to start a pooper scooper business here.